FAQs about GuestsFBK and Eduroam WiFi networks

Q - Are GuestsFBK and Eduroam different in terms of speed?

A - No, both connect at full speed.

Q - Are GuestsFBK and Eduroam different in terms of coverage?

A - No, they both use the same Access Points.

Q - Are GuestsFBK and Eduroam different in terms of access to external and internal networks?

A - No, both have the same access rules.

Q - Are GuestsFBK and Eduroam different in terms of access to https://my.fbk.eu?

A - No, both provide VNP-less connection to https://my.fbk.eu.

Q - Are GuestsFBK and Eduroam different in terms of the number of devices that I can connect at the same time?

A - Yes, there is a limit of 5 devices on GuestsFBK; Eduroam has no limitation.

Q - Are GuestsFBK and Eduroam different in terms of security?

A - Yes, GuestsFBK is an open network and traffic is not encrypted, Eduroam is a secure network and  traffic is encrypted.

Q - Are GuestsFBK and Eduroam different in terms of access credentials?

A - Yes. GuestsFBK can be accessed with FBK credentials and with special credentials for FBK guests. Eduroam can be accessed with FBK credentials and with credentials from other Eduroam

affiliated universities and research institutes.

Q - I have FBK credentials. Which of the two networks should I use?

A - Eduroam, as it is less crowded, you do not have to enter the password every day, it works when you are in UniTN and in many other universities and research centers worldwide, it is more secure.

Q - How do I connect to Eduroam?

A - You will find the instructions here.

Q - Then why do I need GuestsFBK?

A - Temporary guests who do not have FBK credentials or credentials from other research institutions or universities affiliated with Eduroam may want to use GuestsFBK.

How do I get a WiFi account for FBKGuest?

Instructions for requesting a WiFi account can be found in this guide.

How do I access the FBK network from home / from the university?

To connect to the trusted FBK network, in most cases, you can use BASTION (RDP, SSH, VNC) and JUMPHOST (SSH). For special needs, please send an e-mail to help-it@fbk.eu.

More information available here.

How do I access the Internet from my private PC/smartphone/tablet?

Computers and other personal devices can be connected either to the wireless or to the wired network.

WiFi network: you can connect to the "Eduroam" and / or FBKGuest WiFi network; you can find more information and instructions on this page.

Wired network: configure your computer to use 802.1X protocol (more information available here)

If you are using Eduroam, authenticate with your trusted FBK credentials adding the "fbkeduroam.it" domain (i.e. username@fbkeduroam.it).

Note: the wired network is reserved to users with FBK credentials, the wireless network is also available to guests from participating institutions.

Why do I have to change my password every 6 months?

Pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 196/03, passwords must:

  • be changed every 3 months by any user in charge of processing sensitive data;
  • be changed every 6 months by all users.

You can find more information here.

Why do visitors have to turn in their IDs to request an account?

Visitors can join FBK untrusted networks only. Untrusted networks are low-security environments, with indirect access to storage, computing, printing, and other resources. Our GuestsFbk wifi network falls under this category. All non-centrally managed computers, either privately owned or owned by FBK, can access this network provided they comply with the minimum security measures set forth in Legislative Decree n. 196/03. Users are authenticated centrally on a RADIUS server solely for internet access, pursuant to Act n. 155 dated July, 31 2005.