Circolo FBK

FBK Circolo is a social promotion association and carries out, mainly, cultural, artistic, sports activities for the benefit of members and third parties. These initiatives will integrate and complement those provided by programs such as the Family Audit in the areas of wellness, work-life balance and cultural integration.

The Circolo FBK is a social promotion association and carries out, mainly, cultural, artistic and sports activities for the benefit of members and third parties.

These initiatives will integrate and complement those provided by programs such as the Family Audit in the area of well-being, work-life balance and cultural integration.

Annual membership fee

20for everyone 

Free of charge for FBK staff hired in the current year.
To register, simply send an email to [email protected] with your request.

The team

Sara Ferrari - President
Veronica Giordani - Vicepresident
Annalisa Armani - Councilor
Matteo Testi - Councilor
Massimiliano Filippi - Councilor
Barbara Cagol - Treasurer
Paola Angeli - Sole Probationer

FBK Circolo presents FBK Book Club!

About the Book Club

FBK Book Club is a reading group and discussion space where literature enthusiasts choose books to read together during the year and then discuss them together, usually over lunch with friends!
If possible, they also try to organize corollary meetings of other kinds, perhaps with the authors themselves, or in-depth discussions.

How it works

The goal is to read an average of 1 book every 2 months. Titles to read will be picked together, ranging from modern, contemporary and classic literature both Italian and foreign and different genres, to meet everyone's taste!
If you are unable to read the assigned books, no problem at all! You can still participate in the discussion to talk about the book and hear the opinions of those who have read it.

How to participate

The only requirement is to be a member of the FBK Circolo. Once you have completed your registration (if you haven't done it yet!) send an email requesting to join the reading group to Annalisa Armani ([email protected]).
