Mandatory safety training

The Employer must make sure that every worker has the opportunity to receive sufficient and accurate health and safety training.

Definition and regulatory framework

The current regulations on safety at work (Legislative Decree. 81/2008) provide that the Employer ensure every worker the opportunity to receive sufficient and adequate training on health and safety.

Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 defines the worker, namely the person who must benefit from training: "a person who, regardless of the type of contract, performs work tasks, within the organization of a public or private employer, with or without pay, even for the sole purpose of learning a trade, an art or a profession, excluding those involved in household and family services”.

The Agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of Health, the Regional Governments and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano of December 21, 2011 (published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale issue 8 of 2012) has set the final schedule, minimum contents, administration and recording methods for such required training for all workers.

At FBK, we offer different types of safety at the workplace training:

  • BASIC: the GENERAL, SPECIFIC Low Risk, and REFRESHER modules for workers → they are either preparatory modules or modules that allow common office activities
  • MEDIUM RISK / SPECIALIST: SPECIFIC-Medium Risk or SPECIALIST on specific risks modules → required for access to areas with specific risks such as laboratories
  • ROLE-SPECIFIC: modules for SAFETY OFFICERS, MANAGERS, RLSS, ASPP... and related REFRESHERS → equired to perform the aforementioned safety roles.
  • TECHNICAL: FIREFIGHTING, FIRST AID, WORK AT HEIGHT, FORKLIFTS..., modules → required to perform specific roles/tasks

In particular, FBK workers listed below are required to receive MEDIUM RISK TRAINING (General module + medium risk Specific module):

  • Center for Smart Energy workers
  • Center for Sensors & Devices workers
  • Corporate Assets Department workers
  • Warehouse workers
  • Library workers

Low-risk training

Workers who are not required to receive Medium Risk training (see "Medium Risk Training"), must complete,within 60 days from their first day of work, an 8-hour low risk training course divided as follows:

  • 4-hour "GENERAL TRAINING MODULE" (preparatory to the next module)
  • 4-hour "SPECIFIC TRAINING MODULE" (Basic - Low Risk)

The modules are available in English for workers who need them.

Training is carried out by qualified internal and external trainers.

The certificate of participation will be issued upon attendance of 90% of the course total hours.

Each Module will be followed by a short test to verify comprehension.

The current legislation provides for a five-year refresher for workers exposed to low risk:

  • 6-hour “UPDATE MODULE”

If the risk assessment carried out for specific tasks indicates a higher level of risk, or after evaluating specific training needs, the training of the respective workers will be increased in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement between the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, the Ministry of Health, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano of December 21, 2011.


Enrollment in the courses is to be completed on FBK ACADEMY through the topic area "Sicurezza del lavoro - Safety" and the "basic" search key.

We kindly ask you not to enroll in he English safety courses unless you actually need them and to cancel your registration if you cannot attend the course.

Medium-risk training

Workers with tasks falling within the medium safety risk (chemical, biological, radiogenic,...), are required by the current legislation to receive 4 hours of general training and 8 hours of specific training. Therefore, they shall take:

  • 4-hour "GENERAL TRAINING MODULE" (preparatory to the next module)
  • 8-hour "SPECIFIC TRAINING MODULE" (Medium Risk)

The certificate of participation will be issued upon attendance of 90% of the course total hours.

Each Module will be followed by a short test to verify comprehension.

The current legislation provides for a five-year refresher for workers exposed to medium risk:

  • 6-hour "UPDATE MODULE" (for all risk categories)


 Enrollment in the courses is to be completed on FBK ACADEMY through the topic area "Sicurezza del lavoro - Safety" and the "basic" search key for the General module and "medium" for medium risk respectively.

We kindly ask you not to enroll in he English safety courses unless you actually need them and to cancel your registration if you cannot attend the course.

Specialist and safety training

The Safety and Prevention Service organizes, upon request by the worker's supervisor, specific training modules (as well as specific Refreshers) for workers with specific safety training needs:

  • Course for officers in charge of fire response (high risk)
  • Course for First aid officers (cat. B)
  • Laser Operator Training Course
  • Ionizing radiation training course (type B)
  • Toxic Gases License
  • Forklift Driver Training Course
  • Course for electricians (PAV, PES, PEI)
  • Work At Height Training Course
  • Technical School or course for mechanics
  • Safety officer course
  • Course for Executives
  • Course for RLS

The certificate of participation will be issued upon attendance of 90% of the course total hours. Each Module will be followed by a short test to verify comprehension.

For these types of courses, the worker is called by the Safety and Prevention Unit (upon notification by the worker and/or his/her supervisor), and delivered by an accredited body external to FBK or by internal trainers. Enrollment in Academy courses may be required.

Mandatory training is also provided for anticorruption and privacy