FBK Academy

FBK Academy is a continuing education environment where people are not only recipients of training interventions, but also active participants in developing, updating and sharing skills and abilities.

FBK Academy is a continuing education environment where people are not only recipients of training interventions, but also active participants in developing, updating and sharing skills and abilities. It encompasses a multiplicity of aspects including the added value of organizational learning for functional, personal and cultural improvement.

FBK Academy includes innovative training adapted to different areas of expertise by the Human Resources Service, the Risk Prevention and Protection Service and the Prevention of Corruption, Transparency and Privacy Unit.

Educational offerings 2024

Within the Foundation's continuous human capital development model, training, which has always generated opportunities for innovation and connection, becomes one of the key levers supporting individual career paths, with tailor-made solutions aimed at improving results.

Alongside technical and scientific training and "open training" initiatives, customized training paths can be agreed upon through the signing of the individual reciprocity pact.

Continuing education includes:

  1. Open training: Training open to all staff, live or on-demand, with possible in-house teaching, knowledge sharing and/or experience sharing initiatives.
  2. FBK Academy Annual: Catalog of technical and general training, for courses and workshops offered during the year. Open to employees and PhD staff, in accordance with the PhD Program.
  3. MY.ACADEMY: Customized training designed to invest in professional and personal growth through the signing of the reciprocity pact. Includes initiatives or development journeys agreed upon with Departments/RDUs and is aimed at employee and PhD staff, in accordance with the PhD Program.