Authorization of extra FBK-work and external appointments

Extra-FBK work activities and appointment to external positions include all activities, whether be they remunerated or free of charge, which - by virtue of a contract of free-lance or employment on behalf of third parties as well as the exercise of entrepreneurial activity - are carried out outside working hours and are not included in the tasks and duties contractually attributable to the Foundation. Extra-work activities and external assignments include all activities, whether for remuneration or free of charge, which - by virtue of a contract of self-employment or employment on behalf of third parties as well as the exercise of entrepreneurial activity - are carried out outside working hours and are not included in the tasks and duties contractually attributable to the Foundation.

New regulation

By adopting Resolution No. 01/22 dated Jan. 27, 2022, the Foundation approved the new Regulations for the Authorization of Extra-Occupational Activities and Assignments, which comes into effect on Feb. 1, 2022.

Extra-work activities and external assignments include all activities, whether for consideration or free of charge, which - by virtue of a contract of self-employment or employment on behalf of third parties as well as the exercise of entrepreneurial activity - are carried out outside working hours and are not included in the tasks and duties contractually attributable to the Foundation.

All activities and assignments must be communicated by FBK staff prior to their commencement (at least 15 days prior to the commencement of the assignment/activity)

Extra-work activities and external assignments include all activities, whether for consideration or free of charge, which - by virtue of a contract of self-employment or employment on behalf of third parties as well as the exercise of entrepreneurial activity - are carried out outside working hours and are not included in the tasks and duties contractually attributable to the Foundation.
All activities and assignments must be communicated by FBK staff prior to their commencement (at least 15 days prior to the commencement of the assignment/activity) via the form my.portal/requests/work management/authorizations (direct link).

Documents and useful information

The Civil Code prohibits the employee's extra-work activities that compete with the employer's activities (art.2105 Civil Code). In such a case, the employee exposes himself to disciplinary liability (Art.2106 Civil Code).

Duty of loyalty - Art.2105 CC. The employee shall not transact business, on his own account or on behalf of third parties, in competition with the entrepreneur, nor shall he divulge news pertaining to the organization and methods of production of the enterprise, or make use of it in such a way as to be prejudicial to it.

Disciplinary Sanctions - Art. 2106 CC.

Organization Regulations of FBK

Code of Conduct of FBK


PAT personnel made available to the Fondazione Bruno Kessler

For this type of personnel, please refer to the PAT Regulations - AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYMENTS/ACTIVITIES (D.P.G.P. No. 39-111/Leg. dated November 30, 1998) and the following forms: PAT Assignement Authorization Form.

For any further information please refer to Tiziana Martinelli

[email protected]