Welcome office

The Human Resources department of the Bruno Kessler Foundation has a Welcome Office that, through a series of dedicated services, offers support to incoming employees and collaborators in order to facilitate their job placement and organizational socialization both in the Foundation and in the local area.

The Human Resources Service of FBK has a Welcome Office that, through a series of dedicated services, offers support to incoming employees and collaborators in order to facilitate their job placement and organizational socialization both in the Foundation and in the local area.

The Welcome Office assists staff, both Italian and foreign, in the completion of bureaucratic procedures, such as:

  • Application for entry visa
  • Application for residence permit
  • Family reunification from abroad
  • Temporary accommodation reservations
  • Changes of residence
  • Activation of health insurance
  • Allocation of tax codes
  • Opening of current accounts in Italy
  • Scheduling Italian language courses (FBK Academy).