Starting from mid-February, the new PCs are being delivered to FBK users in the administrative sector.
The chosen model, ThinkPad L15 Gen 4 AMD, is more powerful, has a larger screen but retains the weight of the previous one. Additionally, each PC will have biometric access systems and a wireless keyboard and mouse (Lenovo Professional Wireless Rechargeable Combo Keyboard and Mouse).

Centralized management also uses new tools that will allow to update and manage PCs wherever they are located.


  • New login via Windows Hello:

The new access method to managed PCs is based on Windows Hello, a service that allows to access your device by setting a PIN or biometric recognition (face and fingerprint).​

Instead of using the password, the system will offer the possibility to choose whether to access the PC via numeric PIN, fingerprint (biometrics) or facial recognition. Once set, these recognition methods will remain unchanged even if the PC password is changed.​

The introduction of these complements increases ease of use, ensuring fast and always safe access.

  • New password change mode:

A more secure password change than the previous one is introduced: by typing Ctrl+alt+can on the keyboard in fact, you will no longer be redirected to the page on your PC related to this functionality, but directly to the FBK cloud service.​

This ensures that the credentials are saved within FBK systems and are not tied to the physical PC
which, in the event of damage or malfunction, would no longer allow access, with necessary recourse to the technical service intervention, with possible long repair times and consequent data loss and productivity.

The password change also works even if the PC is not in the FBK networks.

  • Bluetooth keyboards and mouse:

The new laptops will be equipped with input devices with bluetooth connection and no longer combined with a docking station. In fact, they often caused technical problems, as well as forcing users to maintain a fixed working position, depending on the various cables connected to it; from now on it will be possible to work
in total autonomy by moving the PC to any location, with only monitor and power cables, the only ones in use.

​Mice and wireless keyboards will be provided, which can be connected to the PC via bluetooth and USB stick. They will load directly from PC via cable and will have a very long service life.

  • Automatic synchronization and remote support:

Automatic system synchronisation requires the PC to operate and update programs, schedules, etc., even if the user does not log in for a long time.

The web application FBK Help for interventions management is also adopted by our service.
To request an intervention, write to [email protected] or call +39 0461 314111.

The support is active for

  1. General IT support: Google services, email, sharepoint drive, software, dns, alias
  2. Hardware Resources Support: Computers, Phones, Printers, Scanners.

A new centralized print service based on queues, through the application "Papercut" will be preinstalled on the computers and will allow the autonomous management of the same, both from trusted networks and from untrusted networks. The service will be available also for Linux PCs.

From PCs managed on trusted networks

    1. for Windows PC:
        From the Start/Run menu, type\\print. Select one or more printers from the list, click the button
        right and choose Connect (elevation of privileges may be required)​

    ​2. for Linux PCs: Printers are installed automatically.

From unmanaged PCs on untrusted networks

    There are three ways to print from untrusted networks:

    1. Papercut Mobility Print

    2. Driverless mode

    3. Standard mode