FAQ Networks and Internet

FAQs about FBK-Guests and Eduroam WiFi networks

Q - Are FBK-Guests and Eduroam different in terms of speed?
A - No, both connect at full speed.

Q - Are FBK-Guests and Eduroam different in terms of coverage?
A - No, both use the same Access Points.

Q - Are FBK-Guests and Eduroam different in terms of access to external and internal networks?
A - No, both have the same access rules.

Q - Are FBK-Guests and Eduroam different in terms of access to my.fbk.eu?
A - No, both connect to my.fbk.eu without needing to use the VPN.

Q - Are FBK-Guests and Eduroam different in terms of the number of devices I can connect simultaneously?
A - Yes, on FBK-Guests there is a limit of 2 simultaneous devices, Eduroam has no limitation.

Q - Are FBK-Guests and Eduroam different in terms of security?
A - Yes. FBK-Guests is an open network and therefore traffic is not encrypted, Eduroam is a secure network and traffic is encrypted.

Q - Are FBK-Guests and Eduroam different in terms of login credentials?
A - Yes, FBK-Guests is accessible after authentication with an active personal Google profile, or by registering with a working email address (institutional or any other). Eduroam is accessible with FBK credentials and with credentials from other research and university institutions affiliated with Eduroam.

Q - I have FBK credentials. Which of the two networks should I use?
A - Eduroam because: it is less crowded, you don't have to register from scratch every day, it also works when you are at UniTN and in many other universities and research institutions in the world, and finally because it is more secure.

Q - How do I connect to Eduroam?
A - You can find the instructions at this link.

Q - So what is FBK-Guests for?
A - For temporary guests who do not have credentials from research and university institutions affiliated with Eduroam and plan to use the network for browsing only.

How do I register to access the FBK-Guests network?

Detailed instructions can be found in the specific guide.

What should I do if I don't receive the verification and/or confirmation email?

You need to check your Spam folder and mark it as "not Spam".

How do I access the FBK network from home/from university?

To connect to the trusted FBK network, in most cases, you can use BASTION and JUMPHOST. For special needs, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

How can I connect to the Internet from my personal PC/smartphone/tablet?

Computers and other personal devices can be connected to the wireless network (Eduroam or FBK-Guests) or to the wired network  (Eduroam).

WiFi network: connect to the "Eduroam" and/or FBK-Guests WiFi network (more information and instructions on the following page)

Wired network: configure your computer to use the 802.1X protocol (more information and instructions on the following page)

Note: the wired network is only available for users who have FBK credentials, while the wireless network is also accessible to external users affiliated with research centers and universities that adhere to the Eduroam service.

Do I have to change my password every 6 months?

Thanks to additional security measures adopted (implementation of MFA also within FBK buildings and use of OTP for access instead of the telephone), the six-monthly password change was eliminated on 15/10/2024.

In addition to reducing the time for configuring or updating networks and devices, this avoids the inconvenience of having to periodically generate and remember new passwords or reset forgotten ones.

For more information on the topic, visit this link.

Why do visitors have to register their email to connect to FBK-Guests?

Visitors can only connect to FBK's untrusted networks. Untrusted networks are low security environments, with indirect access to storage, processing, printing and other resources. Our FBK-Guests wifi network falls into this category.

As specified in the Terms and Conditions, the use of the Service is strictly personal and the User undertakes not to allow its use in any way to third parties. The User will be responsible for any damage deriving from the use of his credentials by others.
On the other hand, the FBK uniquely identifies the User's email address, in no way associated with the owner's personal data, and keeps an electronic register with absolute confidentiality, which monitors the operation of the Service.