Tenders operational planning

new form for the Request for Tender Opening (Richiesta di arrivazione gara), which must be filled out in order to proceed with the purchase of equipment and services in the amount exceeding 140,000 euros.

Appalti e Contratti

We would like to inform you that the Tenders and Contracts Service has prepared a new form for the Request for Tender Opening (Richiesta di arrivazione gara), which must be filled out in order to proceed with the purchase of equipment and services in the amount exceeding 140,000 euros.

This type of purchase requires the completion of a tender procedure, the duration of which - from the publication of the notice - varies from three to six months, and it is therefore necessary to plan activities at least three months in advance from the intended date for bid opening.

In addition, prior to the bid opening, technical specifications must be defined, for which information must be gathered from the relevant market, and bid evaluation criteria must be laid down.

Those who have completed the form will be contacted to plan in detail the drafting of the technical documentation, which can be found at the link below.

Should you need any clarification or further information, please feel free to contact the bids team at: [email protected]