The Foundation’s staff accrue 28 days of vacation per year, prorated in case of hiring
and/or termination during the year.
Regulations mandate that staff must take at least 4 weeks (20 days) of vacation leave,
taking into account resolutions by the Human Resources Department, if applicable.
The Foundation must grant 2 consecutive weeks of vacation in the period between June1 and September 30 if the employee requests it.
Technical and administrative staff may request the conversion of a maximum of 5 days of vacation into ROL leave hours as set out in the paragraph "Conversion of vacation into ROL".
Vacation leave is suspended in case of illness or hospitalization.
Unused vacation balance at the time of end of employment will not be paid.

Conversion of vacation into ROL leave hours

You may request the conversion of up to 5 days of vacation into ROL leave hours (event code description "ROL 150h" within your timesheet).

By January 31 of each year, FBK staff can request the conversion by simply writing an email to [email protected], copying in their immediate supervisor, indicating the number of vacation days they want to convert into ROL leave hours.
For new hires, the deadline for sending the request to convert vacation days into ROL hours is 30 days from the date of hire.
PAT staff seconded to the Foundation need to download the form, which must be
submitted duly completed and complete with signatures by the above deadline to the
Human Resources Department - Attendance Management.
As a reminder, for the purpose of converting vacation days into hours, the daily hourly average is counted, that is obtained by dividing the weekly contractual hours by the working days (example: an employee with a part-time contract of 24 hours per week Monday through Wednesday will have a daily hourly average of 8 hours, given by 24 hours/3 working days in the week).

Event details for attendance management (electronic timesheet)
