New method for authorizations for video recording, and/or Photography

New method for authorizations for video recording, and/or Photography

New method for authorizations for video recording, and/or Photography

Comunicazione e Relazioni Esterne


As is well known, Fondazione Bruno Kessler may, as part of its institutional activities and for the purposes of documentation, communication and promotion at events, seminars, training

sessions or other public initiatives, carry out video recording, audio recording and/or photograph at its premises. Such capturing and recording may involve the acquisition and disclosure of images and/or the voice of its staff, and therefore requires special authorization.

To streamline the process for obtaining authorizations, as well as to encourage and record staff choices over time, as of Monday, January 15, 2024, staff will be able - and required - to express their preferences regarding the management of their image via MY PORTAL.

It is understood that it will be possible for staff to change their choices at any time through the portal and to opt not to take part in certain audio and/or video recordings by directly notifying the staff of the Communication and External Relations Unit.

Please follow this link for more information on the new way for managing your image.