Energy saving and environmental sustainability

Segreteria generale

Dear Colleagues,

During the evening rounds to close the premises, we consistently notice a significant number of windows and portholes left open, as well as many offices and laboratories with the lights on.

This leads to increased air conditioning costs and poses risks to our facilities. These costs, easily avoidable with a bit of attention and consideration for our work environment, divert resources from research investments.
Furthermore, such behaviors result in higher energy consumption, leading to increased pollution levels and CO2 emissions. 
As environmental sustainability, health, social well-being, and the future of the new generations are at the core of our research work, I strongly urge each one of you to pay greater attention to these issues through simple daily actions.

With confidence in your sensitivity towards this important matter, I thank you in advance for your commitment to contributing to a more sustainable work environment.
Best regards,
Andrea Simoni
Secretary general
Fondazione Bruno Kessler