Google's "Team Drive" are shared spaces where users can easily store documents and access them wherever they are and from any device.

Unlike the documents in "My Drive", those in "Team Drive" belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if a member leaves the team, the documents are not deleted, so that users can continue to share information to work.

The space available for each Team drive is unlimited

Team drive features

Computer client

In addition to the usual data access through the browser, for operating systems Windows and MacOSX exist a client (Google File Stream) to access documents in Team Drive in a transparent way as if they were resident on a network disk.

You can access documents in "Team Drive" from any network and mobile device (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, etc ...).


The user must request a "Team Drive" by sending an email to [email protected], putting the unit manager in copy, and specifying the name he wants to give to the "Team Drive".

Access levels

The addition or removal of members of a Team drive should be requested from [email protected]

Users are usually added with "Content manager" permissions or rights

requested by the manager.

- Manager (manages contents, members and settings)

- Content manager (add, modify and delete documents)

- Contributor (add and edit documents)

- Commenter (puts comments on documents)

- Viewer (read the documents)

Access levels


Data in Team Drive does not have security copies on FBK servers. In case of accidental deletion of data, these can be recovered directly by the user from the trash using a web interface. The data remains in the trash for 30 days and then they are automatically deleted. After deleting from the recycle bin, the data they can be recovered by system administrators but not in a granular way (yes they manage to restore all data deleted on a given day, without having a list restored data, and all sharing permissions are lost) and up to a maximum 25 days from the cancellation from the trash.

Restore files