Information for Co-located, Participated companies, and External Scientific Personnel

Within FBK there are numerous co-located and investee companies, likewise there are personnel afferent to numerous external research entities that carry out activities at FBK through scientific collaboration agreements.

Staff afferent to these external realities benefit from various SERVICES (badges, canteen, training, IT services, RSPP, health surveillance ...) depending on the specific agreement/contract.

Once the agreement/contract with the Foundation is defined, the contact persons and staff of these realities are required to COMMUNICATE with the Peole Innovation for Research Service through [email protected], specifying in the title the topic, regarding:


  1. communicate the names and contact information of the REFERENTS;
  2. request services for NEW ENTRANT PERSONNEL, providing for each person:
    - first and last name;
    - directly reachable email address;
    - start date and end date (the latter may not extend beyond the end of the lease or collaboration agreement);
    - type-card photograph (jpg or png, 4/3 vertical, light background, max 100 kb
  3. communicate any VARIATIONS for staff: need for extension (before term or services will automatically close) or early closure (for security reasons)


Communicate problems with the BADGE (lost, stolen, malfunctioning, ...).

Please note that:

  • The procedure for access to the labs is this
  • For questions relating to safety at work (safety training, PPE, health surveillance, ...) write to [email protected]
  • For computer problems you can write independently to [email protected] (do not include more than one "help-..." ticket in the same email)
  • Notifications of changes (REFERENTS item 3.) are the responsibility of the contact person: FBK is not responsible for the termination of services for external staff with terminated relationship, if the request was not submitted in time.