FBK@ease – SLC (Work related stress)

At FBK, the work-related stress (SLC) assessment project, entitled FBK@ease, is ongoing.

At FBK, the work-related stress (SLC) assessment project, entitled FBK@ease, has been started. Following the INAIL method, a multi-step protocol will be developed that aims to detect potential psychosocial risks within our centers.

The project will involve internal services (Human Resources and Safety and Prevention) in collaboration with the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science of the University of Trentowhich will support the FBK management team in developing some questionnaires to be used in the second phase of assessment.

Inail Evaluation

The INAIL methodology was created in 2011 and is a direct expression of the contents of Legislative Decree 81/2008. That's right, the single text for occupational safety, you have surely studied it during the mandatory courses held by our Prevention and Protection unit in FBK.

The method consists of a multi-step process:

  • Preliminary stage: the management group of managers in charge of the assessment process is formed. At the same time, homogeneous groups are identified: sets of colleagues and employees who share the same tasks, similar contractual conditions or, more generally, same placement within the organization.
  • Preliminary assessment: some representatives of the management team and homogeneous groups collaborate in compiling the Checklist, a grid that measures rates of Sentinel Events (e.g., accidents) and various dimensions of Context (e.g., home-work interface) and Content (e.g., organizational role) of the job.
  • In-depth evaluation: the perceptions of workers/employees about the results obtained in the preliminary phase are collected more carefully and analytically. Questionnaires and/or focus groups may be used during this phase.
  • Drafting of the final report: all data collected in the previous stages are processed and summarized, anonymously and aggregated, within a report that will be attached to the Assessment Document

Work-related stress: definition

All stages of the assessment process have a major player: work-related stress (SLC) risk. It is defined as "a condition that may be accompanied by disorders or dysfunctions of a physical, psychological or social nature and is a consequence of the fact that certain individuals do not feel able to correspond to the demands or expectations placed on them."

Project Objectives

According to the INAIL method, the objectives that are pursued through FBK@ease are mainly three:

  • Assess psychosocial risks at work;
  • Detect any critical or uncomfortable working conditions;
  • Design and implement corrective interventions to support organizational well-being

Project stages

Preliminary assessment

It will start in late January 2022 and conclude the following month. At this stage, a subgroup will be identified for each homogeneous group to form a focus group. This will be actively involved in the compilation of the Checklist: a checklist focusing on context (e.g., interpersonal relationships) and work content (e.g., pace of work).

Second Assessment.

With the Checklist, an initial screening of any critical organizational/work issues will be carried out. They are deepened through the second evaluation phase, which involves the double completion of some questionnaires. All FBK personnel are invited to respond to the questionnaires. Each person's input is crucial in designing any corrective actions! Central theme of the questionnaires is the intensification of the use of information and communication technologies at work as well as hybrid models of work management.


Once the second evaluation phase is also finished, the final report will be prepared and attached as an update to the Risk Assessment Document. At the same time, members of the management group will make any proposals for monitoring measures and initiatives related to organizational well-being.

Valutazione preliminare

Prenderà avvio a fine Gennaio 2022 e si concluderà il mese successivo. In questa fase verrà individuato, per ogni gruppo omogeno, un sottogruppo che costituirà un focus group. Questo sarà coinvolto attivamente nella compilazione della Lista di Controllo: una checklist incentrata sul contesto (e.g., rapporti interpersonali) e i contenuti del lavoro (e.g., ritmo di lavoro). 

Seconda valutazione

Con la Lista di Controllo verrà effettuato un primo screening delle eventuali criticità organizzative/lavorative. Esse vengono approfondite grazie alla seconda fase di valutazione, che prevede la doppia compilazione di alcuni questionari. Tutto il personale FBK è invitato a rispondere ai questionari. Il contributo di ciascuno/a è fondamentale per la progettazione di eventuali interventi correttivi! Tema centrale dei questionari è l'intensificazione dell'uso delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione sul lavoro nonchè i modelli ibridi di gestione del lavoro.


Terminata anche la seconda fase di valutazione, si procederà alla stesura del report finale, che verrà allegato in aggiornamento al Documento di Valutazione dei Rischi. Al contempo, i membri del gruppo di gestione avanzeranno eventuali proposte di misure di monitoraggio e iniziative collegate al benessere organizzativo. 


Management Group

In the preparatory phase, the members of the management team were made official:

  • Michele Kirchner, Protection and Prevention Service Manager (RSPP)
  • Mario Russo, head of the Safety and Prevention service
  • Francesco Botto, member of the Safety and Prevention service
  • Alessandro Dalla Torre, head of the human resources service
  • Nicola Frizzera, HR data analyst
  • Pietro Semplici, postgraduate trainee in occupational psychology
  • Azelio de Santa, competent physician
  • Severino Pedrotti and Cristina Potrich, workers' safety representatives (RLS)

These will be responsible for the entire assessment process and define its steps and timelines. They also work together so that the project is operationally effective.

Project contact persons

Below you will find the contact information of the project contact persons for FBK

On the other hand, regarding the second evaluation phase, which involves collaboration with the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science in Trento, the following can be contacted