What should I do when I receive a laptop or other personal item?
If the asset had already been assigned to your Unit, you (or your Supervisor, who must be informed) should send an e-mail to [email protected] communicating the inventory number of the asset assigned to you.
In the event of replacing an asset that you had with another, your Unit Head must communicate to the Corporate Assets Department the inventory number of the returned asset and that of the new one that is being entrusted to you.
Procedure for FBK-owned incoming assets
The goods enter the Foundation through the warehouse and following a Purchase Order (PO).
The warehouse staff fills in the inventory form with the information on the PO, assigning the purchase value. If the information is insufficient, the warehouse staff will contact the person who authorized the PO loi who appears as "Consignee of the goods".
In the events of works made without contractors, their value be determined by adding up the value of all the parts that compose it and the labor required for assembly (if carried out by an external professional), if applicable.
Procedure for third-party incoming goods
Should a research project require assets owned by third parties to enter FBK, it is advisable to follow some guidelines.
The operation must first be jointly planned by the requesting Unit, the Corporate Assets Department and the Safety Unit. The nature of the asset, its value, the presumed period of permanence at FBK, its compliance with current regulations and the reasons for which entry is being requested must be communicated.
Normally, each company insures its goods, but it is advisable to request proof of insurance before the entry of the goods, as well as to make sure that there is a non-recourse clause in place to avoid burdening FBK with further costs.
Different or particular cases shall be agreed upon when necessary. The good shall then transit from the FBK warehouse with a transport document with a reason description such as "Loan for use". The warehouse will inform the above-mentioned divisions of the arrival and keep track of the transit. The Corporate Assets Department will determine whether the circumstances require it to be listed in the inventory as a third-party asset, assigning it a number and a label.
When returning it, the Unit must notify the Corporate Assets Department, which will make the appropriate notes in the inventory. The Unit shall then log onto My Portal, search for "Richieste di Spedizione/Shipping Requests", and fill out a form, according to which the warehouse will draw up a return transport document, which will close the operation.
For further information, please see https://trasparenza.fbk.eu/Disposizioni-generali/Atti-generali/Atti-amministrativi-generali/Linee-Guida-e-Regolamenti/Regolamento-per-la-tenuta-dell-inventario-dei-beni-immobili-e-mobili
Outgoing third party goods procedure
- Third party assets are canceled from the inventory by the Corporate Assets Department following the request of the asset Consignee.
- The Corporate Assets Department will cancel the third-party property from the inventory upon production of the transport document issued by the warehouse staff.
- In the event of assets loaned to FBK for use, the they will be canceled by the Corporate Assets Department upon end of the loan itself.
Outgoing goods procedure
All assets (both FBK's and those of third parties) may leave the Foundation's premises in the following cases:
- sale;
- disposal due to decommissioning;
- return (applied to third party goods);
- shipments for maintenance, inspection or repair in which return is expected;
- goods loans.
Any anomaly found must be promptly reported to the Corporate Assets Department in order to manage the problem, if any.
Examples of possible anomalies are: request for return without the good having been taken care of, request for disposal of a good that is still in inventory, etc.
How to request an asset decommissioning
The Foundation's assets may be decommissioned for the following reasons:
- theft or loss
- out of use with disposal
- exchange
- destruction
- transfer/sale
- inventory error
The decommissioning request, complete with reason description, must be sent to the Corporate Assets Department by the cost center manager. The Assets Department will thus declare it "out of use". Goods are canceled from the inventory with a resolution by the Head of the Corporate Assets Department and communication to the Administration Department.
For IT assets (hardware) the request must be forwarded to the IT and Infrastructure Department.
For further information, please contact [email protected].
How to request a standard piece of furniture?
To request a new workstation or part of it (chair, desk, desk drawers, lamp, cabinets, etc.), please write to [email protected].
What if I use a corporate car?
The employee must respect the Highway Code.
In the event of violations of the Highway Code, Fondazione Bruno Kessler will ascertain who committed the violation and will send the fine to the person concerned.
The user is required to report any damage or malfunction that should occur during use.
How to report a technical malfunction?
To report technical malfunctions relating to broken handles, windows, heating/cooling, lighting or similar, please send an email to [email protected] explaining the nature of the problem and where it is located.
How to report poor services: (cleaning, concierge, porter services)
Please send an email to [email protected] with your complaint.
How do I request a porter service?
Please fill out the form at the following link, with all the required information: https://forms.gle/TVqwV4F6e3CcwqE8A.
In case of any problem or specification regarding the request, you can contact [email protected].
How do I request special cleaning services?
For those who need for special cleaning of a specific room to be carried out, the Cost Center Manager must send an email to [email protected] providing details for the request, the place where the intervention is needed, cost center and job order on which the expense will be charged.
How can I access the special agreement with Trentino Trasporti?
The agreement provides for discounts on the purchase of annual passes for urban transport for employees. Please send an email to [email protected].
Mobile telephony problems and company cell phone management outside the EU
Please send an email to [email protected], who will explain how to proceed.
For further information, please contact https://trasparenza.fbk.eu/content/view/full/57681.
Can I leave my car in the FBK garage?
You can leave your car in the garage only if you have to go on a business trip using the company car. For further authorizations, or in exceptional cases only, please contact the Head of the Corporate Assets Department, Mr. Amos Collini, at [email protected]
How to proceed in the event of an accident?
Please notify the Corporate Assets Department as soon as possible by sending a short note with accident details to [email protected].
What if I need to access the premises after hours?
Office opening hours are from 7.30 am to 8.00 pm from Monday to Friday and Saturday from 7.30 am to 1.30 pm.
Outside these hours, access is normally not permitted.
For institutional reasons and for the Via Sommarive office only, out-of-hours access is acceptable and must be requested no later than 2.30pm on the previous working day at https://my.fbk.eu/requests/accessofuoriarancio.