During the month of January, FBK Wifi network will be updated to adapt to the latest security standards.

We will move from a controller-based model (MVC Model-View-Controller, a software architecture that consists of the interconnection of data (Model), data visualization (View) and input management (Controller)) to Aruba Central: a cloud-based networking service that refers to the "Zero Trust" network protection philosophy, which assumes that access to systems by people or devices, internal or external, should only be allowed if strictly necessary.

Given the extent of the Wifi network and the time required for the update, the operation will be carried out in adjacent zones, outside working hours, and will be completed by January.

While the transition of Eduroam Wifi network and that dedicated to internally managed PCs will take place automatically and transparently, a series of changes are expected for the Guests Wifi network:

  • The new guest network will be called FBK-Guests from now on;
  • Authentication to this network will no longer use confirmation via mobile phone number with SMS, but it will be necessary to have a working e-mail address (verified through a code that will be sent to the email entered at the registration time and that will automatically enable access to the network until midnight of the current day; the system will also send a registration confirmation email with a password to be used to reconnect during the day or to access with another device without having to repeat the registration) or an already active Google profile;
  • On the new FBK-Guests network it will be possible to use the institutional FBK credentials with authentication via Google or with the daily registration procedure and your @fbk.eu e-mail, or any other.


For any clarification, problem or reporting of malfunctions, you can contact us by writing to [email protected] or by calling the internal number 111.