Company Agreement for the regulation of the work organization model

Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the company's trade union representatives have signed the new "Company Agreement for the regulation of the work organization model" .

Dear colleagues,

Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the company's trade union representatives have signed the new "Company Agreement for the regulation of the work organization model" .

In line with the constant commitment to continuous improvement and a dynamic, open, flexible and inclusive professional environment, the Agreement consolidates the pre-existing organizational innovation profiles by introducing significant new elements.

Key new features include:

Working in coworking spaces (Art. 6): It will soon be possible to work at coworking spaces located throughout the province. These spaces will be identified and announced soon.  Details regarding this work method option will be laid down in special guidelines.

Welfare of the person (Articles 8, 9, 10 and 11): New articles have been introduced that aim to promote mental and physical well-being and the dimensions of aggregation and culture. The goal remains to promote and ensure an effective work-life balance by incentivizing those initiatives that add value to the Foundation experience. Examples are the additional unpaid leave of absence to be used in weeks, the upcoming multi-location cafeteria service, and cultural and sports benefits initiatives, which, also thanks to the collaboration with the FBK Club, include facilitated access to cultural and sports events, opportunities for artistic and musical performance, and courses for physical and mental self-care.

As for remote work, the possibility of working remotely up to 5 working days per month for all staff with teleworkable duties is being maintained. In accordance with current regulations, the performance of remote work is subject to the signing the Individual Agile Working Agreement that can be downloaded in the next few days from the “Personal Documents” section of the INAZ user portal. The document must be duly signed and submitted via the Microsoft form by October 15, 2024 or later for new hires only.

As in previous years, remote work days, once again subject to organizational and production needs, may be increased through the Individual Reciprocity Pact, with the consent of the supervising figures, for specific needs related to work-life balance, sustainability, study/research or for situations of physical or mental fragility or impairment. The higher number of remote work days will be applied from the month following the month of the request. Upon approval by their supervisors, workers will have the possibility to fill out the dedicated web form by September 30 if they are entitled to increase the standard 5 days from as early as October.

In addition, we hereby remind workers of the obligation to take a look at the Information on Health and Safety for Agile Working document pursuant to Article 22, Paragraph 1 of Law No. 81/2017, carefully following the provisions provided therein.

Given the many contents proposed by this Agreement, the People Innovation for Research Service will soon promote special communication initiatives.

For any clarification, you can send a request via the e-ticketing system to [email protected].