The courses, that you can find on FBK Academy in the Digital Skills & Tools Thematic Area (title Webinar IT a cura del Servizio Soluzioni Digitali e Infrastrutture IT), are video-lessons often associated with demo examples, fully recorded and edited by the colleagues of the Service, with Italian audio and subtitles always present in English, and in the latest updates also in Italian.
Three training paths have been defined, diversified by topics: from "Bases on..." which offers an overview of the most useful tools, essential to set some good practices and take advantage of all FBK services, working in comfort and safety; to "Practical tools for..." a list of webinars dedicated to some agile working modes that help us simplify everyday activities; to "Developers tools". In any case, the routes are manageable according to personal needs and individual courses can be attended without necessarily having to follow the recommended order.
- Bases on…
2024 Privacy & Regulations - Identification & Authentication - Bitwarden to manage passwords - Windows 11 - Printers procedures - Cybersecurity
2025 Passkey - Practical tools for…
2024 Working remotely - Simplifying with artificial intelligence - Sharing with Google Drive - Writing with Microsoft 365 One Note e Office - Communicating through Google Meet e Chat - Communicating through Microsoft Teams
2025 Collaborating and Work Planning - Developers tools
Windows subsystem for Linux
The closing section, "Slides" also contains the PDF presentations used during the video-lessons, useful for a possible independent review of the topics.
Note: For all the Foundation users who want to be enabled or already self-manage FBK-owned PCs and servers, in the FBK Data Center or in the cloud, the Service has also produced the two courses "PC Secure Self-management" and "Secure Self-Management of Servers" available in the Privacy Thematic Area. To become a System Administrator of a PC and/or a Server, their respective frequency is mandatory. The deadline for the visualization and the final revision test is June 30, 2024. You can find more information at this link.