An agreement was recently reached for the development, on Povo Hill, of welfare and well-being services organized by Fondazione Bruno Kessler, University of Trento, Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino, Kaleidoscopio s.c.s. and Azienda Pubblica di Servizi alla Persona Margherita Grazioli.
Objective of FBK, UniTN, HIT, Kaleidoscopio and Azienda “Margherita Grazioli”: to implement an integrated system of Welfare actions and services to promote work-life balance.
The exchange of skills and experiences between the signing entities aims to create or strengthen welfare initiatives and services for the benefit for all workers, collaborators, doctoral students and their family members.
The agreement will be valid for the next three years and has already begun the development of a “Welfare Program” that identifies areas of intervention and specific actions to be implemented. The Foundation will soon send out a survey in order to better understand the needs of work-life balance, health and welfare in order to set up a shared strategy of district.