
The policies relating to PCs managed by FBK and IT tools not managed by FBK will be exposed.


Only centrally managed computers may be connected to the FBK trusted networks and may run one of the supported operating systems, at the user's choice: Windows or Ubuntu.

These computers are automatically configured and periodically updated  and only System Administrators are authorised to make changes that require Administrator or Root User access.

The Digital Solutions and IT Infrastructure Service (SSDIT) is responsible for setting up managed computers. Certain MS-Office for which the FBK has purchased the licence will be installed on computers running Windows. Upon user's request, the SSDIT can also install other applications provided they are licensed by FBK or freely installable, but always and only with official licences.

All computers running Windows or Linux are updated automatically by the Service in accordance with the current legislation. The updates will be announced with several days’ notice.

The SSDIT will provide hardware and software support for these computers according to the SLA.


Self-managed IT tools owned by FBK or private tools not managed centrally may be connected to FBK untrusted networks only.

The use of a self-managed FBK-owned IT device is subject to acceptance of the liability and rules described in the dedicated article of the Privacy Regulations (Section V).

SSDIT can install, by request, Windows or Ubuntu on portable not centrally managed PCs owned by FBK. 

Some applications for which FBK has purchased a license can be installed on Windows PCs.

The user is responsible for purchasing and installing other operating systems and applications, in compliance with legal obligations concerning intellectual property rights.

SSDIT will provide hardware support based on the SLA for FBK non-centrally managed laptops. Since this usage method is intended for expert users, and due to the difficulty in providing support for a wide range of operating systems and applications, SSDIT will provide support with the configuration of computers, connection to the untrusted networks and resolution of problems only through the documents on this website.


How can I become administrator of an FBK-owned laptop or other IT tool?

If you belong to the Research Department and intend to obtain the qualification for the autonomous management of an IT tool owned by FBK for exclusive scientific research purposes (ref. Chapter V of the Foundation's Privacy Regulation), you must be aware of the responsibilities that derive from it and follow the specific Guidelines carefully.

Depending on the tool you manage, you will have to complete the consequent mandatory training, choosing between the Secure PC Self-Management Course or the Secure Server Self-Management Course.

As you will read in the Guidelines, first of all you will have to enroll in the course on FBK Academy. To do so, log in to the portal with your FBK credentials and, in the "Applications" section, choose FBK Academy.

For more information on mandatory training, visit this link.