Anti-corruption training

Staff training is a central component of the corruption prevention and transparency system. Through training activities, the correct and full knowledge of the principles, rules and measures covered by the Corruption Prevention and Transparency Three-year plan is provided to all personnel taking into account the level of involvement in processes exposed to the risk of corruption.

Staff training is a central component of the system of corruption prevention and transparency. Through training, the correct and full knowledge of the principles, rules and measures provided for by the Corruption and Transparency Three-Year Plan is ensured by all staff taking into account the level of involvement in processes exposed to the risk of corruption.

Training on anti-corruption and transparency is funded with the resources allocated to the planning of general institutional training and organized according to a plan consistent with the statutory purposes of the Foundation and the needs that have emerged in the context of concrete risk management.

The responsibility of organizing training activities and their contents lies with the Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency, who accounts for them by means of a dedicated report published annually in the “Transparent Administration” section of the Foundation's institutional website.

The Foundation-right from onboarding-brings to the attention of the staff the Code of Conduct and the Corruption Prevention and Transparency Three-Year Plan.

The Foundation also provides training programs and refresher initiatives on two levels:

  • general level (dedicated to all staff) training aimed at updating skills/behaviors in the area of ethics and legality;

  • specific level (dedicated to the RPCT, the personnel supporting the RPCT, the members of the Control Bodies, the Managers of the organizational arm concerned, the Transparency Officers, the users of the "Transparent Administration" site and the personnel whose tasks involve operating on processes mapped in the risk areas identified by the Plan) training aimed at enhancing the policies, programs and tools used for prevention and to deepen sectoral issues, in relation to the role played by each recipient of training.

Training is provided:

  • via FBK Live communications/emails/newsletters;

  • through the organization of internal seminars (with internal or external speakers) / through the FBK Academy platform;

  • through involvement of staff in training seminars organized by external parties;

  • during the audits managed by the PRCT.

FBK between organization, processes and risks

Mandatory training on the Model of Organization, Management and Control (MOG) and the Three-Year Prevention of Corruption and Transparency Plan (PTPCT).

The course will examine the Organization, Management and Control Model and the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency adopted by the Bruno Kessler Foundation.

In particular, the purposes of the Model and Plan and their respective articulation will be explained, as well as the function of the Supervisory Board and the Head of Prevention of Corruption and Transparency.

The online course is accessed through the FBK Academy portal (Privacy-Anti-Corruption Area).

The course is available on FBK-Academy

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