As previously announced, the Foundation together with the Kaleidoscopio Cooperative, in order to help families reconcile the management of their children with their work activities, is proposing two weeks of summer initiatives aimed at the children of FBK and HIT staff . These activities would take place at the Foundation's premises in Povo before school starts, namely from August 26 to 29 and September 2 to 5 with a full-time (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or part-time (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) formula from Monday to Thursday.
The proposed formula is structured as follows:
- Co-design: Kaleidoscope will provide the educator staff while FBK will propose entertainment initiatives and workshops with the collaboration of researchers and researchers to work alongside the educator staff.
- Participants: boys and girls who are attending elementary school
- Cost: The fee is €120.00 for each full-time week and €100.00 for each part-time week.
- Meals: mid-morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack provided by FBK canteen. Packed lunch will be delivered on the day of drop-off.
- Hours: drop-off between 8:00 am and 9:00 am pick-up between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm ( or 2:00 pm for those who choose the part-time formula)
- Field trips: Tuesdays will be dedicated to field trips
Those interested in enrolling their sons or daughters in the initiative are asked to fill out the following form by April 26, 2024
For enrollment, the "first come, first served" rule will be followed: for each week there is a limited number of places which will be assigned to the parents who first enroll their children. Once the maximum limit of No. 30 participants per week has been reached, those enrolled will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if anyone should drop their enrollment.
Following the closing of registrations FBK will proceed to confirm them according to the availability of places and provide the detailed program.
For more information, please read the attached regulations to join the initiative.
For more information write to [email protected] or contact Tiziana Martinelli.