Electronic mail

SIT provides e-mail and collaboration services (mail, contacts, calendars, drives, audio and video conferencing, sites, etc.), hosted on Google servers, for all domains registered by FBK.

SIT offers email and collaboration services (email, contacts, calendars, drive, audio and video conferencing, websites, etc.), hosted on Google servers for all domains registered by FBK. The system offers an anti-virus and anti-spam service. 

The services are described here.

How to access the services

To access the services from a personal computer, we recommend that you use the Chrome browser at https://gmail.com. The logon credentials are those you use to access the trusted networks (utente@fbk.eu and password).

You can find more information here.

You may also use the services with applications such as Outlook, Thunderbird, AppleMail, Gmail, from your personal computer, smartphone and tablet by using standard protocols.

All information for access and configuration is available here.

Mailing list

The SIT provides the mailing list service through the Google Groups app.

Users can request to create and possibly manage a list by sending an email to [email protected] .

The institutional mailing lists (those of the Centers, Units and Services) are managed by the SIT group.

E-mail aliases

FBK e-mail aliases are presented in this chart.

Aliases are organised as shown in the chart and must have a @fbk.eu suffix.

Please note that aliases do not correlate to FBK organizational chart but are functional to the sending of e-mail messages.

In order to avoid SPAM, the aliases can be used from the FBK mail system only.


Please be informed that:

  • the e-mail alias [email protected] is reserved only to FBK institutional communication and to the advertising of events organized by FBK (institutional or research events or seminars);
  • the e-mail alias [email protected] is intended for advertising events not organized by FBK and for work-related useful information (e.g. "lost and found");
  • for commercial advertisements such as buy/sell or house rental please use the email alias [email protected];
  • please note that [email protected] and [email protected] reach the same subscribers as [email protected].
